Chamrosh Technologies

Patent Protection

The patenting process begins with a concept, followed by a solution that must be useful, novel, and non-obvious. The process is also tedious, time-consuming, and costly. As a result, the chances of producing a large profit should outweigh the work, time, and money required. We fulfilled the International Phase of PCT at WIPO and received confirmation on industrial applicability and novelty. We have applied for patent protection at USPTO and our application is under process since 31.01.2022.

Useful: The patented invention must be useful to someone in some context.
Novel: Novel inventions are those not evident in existing products,

publications, or prior patents. ∙
Nonobvious: The patent that would be not clearly evident to those with
“ordinary skill in the art” who faced the same problem as the inventor

United States law allows for patenting of an invention that relates to a new process, machine, article of manufacture, composition of matter, or a new and useful improvement of one of these things. We have applied for patent protection at USPTO and our application is under process since 31.01.2022. This can be searched via

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